Our Workshops

Equipping a generation of young people to take ownership of their wellbeing and futures


Our services are best suited for young people aged 13-18 years (Year 9-13). We aim to work collaboratively with teachers, community groups and support workers to identify students that would most benefit from our services. We believe the formation of strong relationships with partner organisations are integral to ensuring the positive impact our services have on young people is maximised.

The workshops that Generation Mindset deliver can be grouped into three main themes:

The 3 Part Model

Each type of workshop is split into three parts in order for students to gain the most out of the session. We refer to this as the 3 Part Model.

Part 1 | Inform

Students receive information about the subject of the workshop and why it is important for them. For workshops related to mental wellbeing, key terminology is explained at this stage.

Part 2 | Identify

Students have the opportunity to see where the topic of the workshop relates to their daily lives. This is through the use of examples; identification of existing skills and traits the student themselves may possess, or through an activity to engage in discussion and challenge their understanding of what has been presented.

Part 3 | Equip

In this part of the workshop, students have the opportunity to put into practice the information they have learnt in the session. Afterwards, they are encouraged to make an action plan on how they can continue using the key skills, tools and knowledge they have gained on a more regular basis.


Workshop packages contain multiple workshop sessions which span across the length of the school day. All workshops packages can be adapted to meet the school’s needs.

A maximum of 25 students can take part in a workshop at any one time.


Mental Health Tools

Mental health disorders in young people have been increasing over recent years while simultaneously the services available to them have decreased. We are determined that all young people should be equipped with the skills to manage their mental health effectively.

  • These workshops inform pupils about common mental health issues.
  • Teaches pupils to identify symptoms in themselves.
  • Equips pupils to with the skills to deal with symptoms and signposts where to get help.

You can choose 2 mental health issues per workshop to be covered over a day.

  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Depression (briefly covers Bipolar Disorder)
  • Eating disorders
  • Anger management

Challenging Stigma

Stigma refers to being marked or branded, but also refers to groups of people being categorised as different from the ‘norm’. A stigma free environment is essential for recovery from mental ill health. Young people often have misconceptions about mental health and it is vital we tackle these perceptions to help young people feel comfortable to seek help for their mental wellbeing and not hinder their peers’ recovery.

  • This workshop informs pupils about the common misconceptions about mental health issues.
  • Teaches pupils to identify symptoms and the importance of being there for others.
  • Equips pupils to challenge stigma through advocating using effective communication.

Handling Change and Building Resilience

Adolescence is a time where there are many inevitable changes and challenging situations experienced by young people e.g puberty, exams, changing teachers, changing schools. Being adaptable to change and being resilient is important as it enables young people to develop mechanisms for protection against experiences which could be overwhelming.

  • This workshop informs pupils that change and challenging situations are inevitable and that is natural to find them difficult. However, how they react can make situations better or worse.
  • Teaches pupils to identify how they and those around them manage their emotions during change and in challenging situations.
  • Equips pupils to with skills to build emotional resilience and cope with change.

Social Media and Cyber Bullying

It is no secret that young people today are spending more and more time using social media compared to their predecessors. There is an increasing amount of research evidencing the negative mental health outcomes that can be correlated with young people's’ social media use. Cyberbullying has risen on the internet and often disguised as ‘banter’, it is important that young people are aware of the severity of it.

  • This workshop informs pupils about the seriousness of cyberbullying.
  • Teaches pupils to identify how their social media use may be healthy or unhealthy for their mental well being.
  • Equips pupils with skills to keep safe online and be mindful of what they share on social media.


Self Awareness and Personal Branding

Improving self awareness allows pupils to understand how other people perceive them, their attitude and their responses to them in a given moment. A “personal brand” summarises who they are, what they are known for, and what they have to offer. In today's increasing competitive job market, it is now more important than ever for young people to know what differentiates themselves from others.

  • This workshop informs pupils about the importance of self awareness and personal branding.
  • Teaches pupils to explore their beliefs, values, strengths and weaknesses and what brand they would like to portray.
  • Equip pupils with the skills to increase self awareness and effectively communicate their brand.

Study Skills and Exam Stress

 Figures show that young people are increasingly struggling to deal with exam stress. As we cannot reduce the amount of exams they take, it is important we tackle the way in which they approach these exams. Hence, we aim to not only give pupils techniques to feel better prepared to achieve higher but also ways of dealing with anxiety and exam stress.

  • This workshop informs pupils about the importance of time management and effective revision.
  • Teaches pupils to identify how they use their time and how they revise best, as well as looking at how they feel about exams.
  • Equips pupils with a variety of techniques for  revising effectively and managing their time better. Equips pupils with skills to deal with exam stress and still look after their mental wellbeing through the exam season.


Building Aspiration

Young people have to make decisions that will affect their future career prospects such as what subjects to take exams in. We believe exposure to a wide variety of careers is key to helping young people understand what their aspirations are.
It is not only important young people aim high but that they are equipped with the skills to work towards these aspirations.

  • This workshop informs pupils about about a variety of career sectors and the skills suited to these carers.
  • Teaches pupils to explore what motivates them, their future aspiration and the skills they need to meet them.
  • Equips pupils with the skills to set effective SMART goals to work towards meeting their future aspirations.

CVs, Interviews and Professionalism

Today’s labour market is intensely competitive. It is incredibly important that young people are knowledgeable about what employers are looking for in job applications and that they are best equipped with the right skills to secure their desired job.

  • This workshop introduces pupils to the job application process including CVs, written applications, video applications and interviews.
  • Teaches pupils what employers generally look for and how to identify what specific employers are looking for from their job specifications, organisation values and how to match their skills and experience to these.
  • Equips pupils with CV writing skills and interview techniques and practice so they feel confident and less anxious about the job application process.